Thursday, May 16, 2013

St. Jude Visit

Our tough little peanut!
Our toothless princess!

Happy belated Mother's Day!!   Being a Mom has brought me the greatest joy in my life and I would like to thank my wonderful husband for giving me the 2 best Mother's Day gifts ever, Hunter and Morgan!! 

I did get some other pretty great Mother's Day gifts this year as well...Morgan's port decided that it would work again and her MRI came back stable!!!!!  Our next visit is in July.  They will be having their annual "Siblings Day" (we have never been), a day full of fun for all siblings of patients to let them know how special they are.  Hunter has been an absolute trooper through all of this but we know how hard it is for her to have us coming and going all the time and watching Morgan get so much attention so we are beyond excited for her to have a special day just for her so she knows just how incredible she is too!     

As you can see, Morgan had a rough week...2 days before leaving for St. Jude Morgan took a bad fall down our stairs and broke her collar bone!  I was right behind her on the stairs and just helplessly watched our little peanut tumble down 5 or 6 stairs, it was awful!  We took her to the ER and they actually told us that nothing was broken, 24hrs later she was still in a lot of pain, extremely protective, and just not wanting to do much of anything.  We even called to have her x-rays looked at again and they still insisted that nothing was broken.  Very long story short, St. Jude once again came to the rescue and confirmed that not only was it broke but it had become displaced!  Unfortunately, nothing can be done for broken collar bones besides wearing a sling and waiting about 8 weeks for it to completely heal.  Morgan has quickly adjusted to life with one arm and continues to amaze us every day with her strength and spirit, she's just incredible! 

Just wanted to thank Peconic Pediatrics for all their help too, you guys are truly awesome!

Meanwhile, while we were gone, Hunter lost both her top 2 front teeth!  She is losing her baby teeth all out of order and had previously lost her top 2 lateral incisors so now she has 4 teeth missing up top and looks hysterical! 

1 comment:

  1. That is such great news, we are always thinking of all of you. Sorry about the fall, children are so resilient, they are amazing. Hunter you still are the cutest little girl I have ever seen even with the missing teeth, too cute. We love you, sending hugs and kisses. Love Aunt Doreen and Uncle Mike
