Back in November when the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk was cancelled, due to Hurricane Sandy, we attended an open house at St. Jude's ALSAC NYC office.
"ALSAC is the fundraising organization of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. ALSAC exists solely to raise the funds necessary to operate and maintain St. Jude. The daily operating cost for St. Jude is $1.8 million, which is primarily covered by public contributions. During the past five years, 81 cents of every dollar received has supported the research and treatment at St. Jude."
-St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Thanks for all the wonderful Birthday wishes for Morgan that were left on Sarah's facebook page! Adam and I are probably some of the last people on this planet not to have facebook accounts so sometimes we forget to check the site and Sarah kindly reminds us every once in awhile to take a look. In the future, if you would like, you could always leave a message directly on this blog. We love hearing from you all, it always lifts our spirits knowing how much support our entire family has had from everyone!!
Last, but certainly not least, we wanted to take a minute to say a big THANK YOU to Peconic Pediatrics!!! I'm always writing how much we love St. Jude but we also love you guys too, we would not be at St. Jude if it wasn't for you and Morgan surely would not have been diagnosed so early without your excellent care and speedy actions, reactions, and responses to everything that followed! EVERYONE there takes such wonderful care of both Morgan and Hunter and is ALWAYS so friendly and helpful with whatever we need. You guys are the best of the best and we just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate everything you do!
Morgan has an MRI scheduled for March 22nd. We will update on her results as soon as we can and will be sure write a post after the fundraiser as well!
Hope you all have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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